Klumpke’s palsy is a lower brachial plexus birth injury that affects approximately .02% of all babies born in the United States. The brachial plexus is a delicate network of nerves that originates from the spinal cord and stretches across the shoulder area. These critical nerve fibers conduct signals down a person’s chest, shoulder, arm, and hand, and are responsible for controlling movement and sensibility throughout the upper extremity.
Call (800) 398-1866 today to speak to our award-winning Klumpke's palsy attorneys in New Jersey.
What Causes Klumpke's Palsy?
A baby can suffer Klumpke’s palsy if the first thoracic nerve (T1) and the eighth cervical nerve (C8) are damaged during a difficult delivery. Unlike other brachial plexus injuries, which tend to affect the shoulder and upper arm, the symptoms of Klumpke’s palsy involve the partial or complete paralysis of the forearm and hand.
This type of injury can also trigger the development of Horner’s syndrome, a congenital disorder that is characterized by facial paralysis, drooping eyelids, and iris heterochromia.
When Medical Malpractice is to Blame
Most cases of Klumpke’s palsy are the direct result of medical malpractice and an improperly performed delivery. An attending doctor or obstetrician can easily stretch, scar, or compress the T1 and C8 nerves if they try to forcibly remove a child from the birth canal. If a doctor’s actions are responsible for your child’s Klumpke’s palsy diagnosis, you may have grounds to pursue restitution by filing a birth injury claim.
AWard-winning representation backed by 50+ years of combined experience
If you require legal representation, contact the award-winning New Jersey birth injury lawyers at The Donnelly Law Firm as soon as possible. Our skilled and compassionate legal team has over 50 years of collective experience and the resources to effectively represent your claim.
Our reputation isn’t without merit – we know how to investigate a birth injury case and collect evidence that proves your doctor failed to uphold the standard duty of care. With our help, you can recover damages that facilitate your child’s recovery and safeguard their quality of life.
Contact The Donnelly Law Firm at (800) 398-1866 to schedule a free, confidential case evaluation with our team.
Klumpke’s Palsy & Medical Malpractice
As previously stated, Klumpke’s palsy is often the result of a traumatic vaginal delivery. For example, if a larger baby gets lodged in the birth canal, the attending physician needs to determine which method of removal is both appropriate and safe for the infant. The C8 and T1 nerves can be torn and damaged if an experienced or frantic doctor tries to forcibly extract the baby from the birth canal by the arm.
Likewise, it’s not uncommon for a baby’s shoulders to get wedged beneath the mother’s pubic bone, a scenario commonly referred to as shoulder dystocia. This is a serious and life-threatening birth complication that can put pressure on the baby’s head and neck, tearing the nerves and cutting off their oxygen supply. Medical staffers need to constantly monitor the baby for fetal distress and oxygen deprivation and take steps to circumvent any dangerous complications and situations.
How Klumpke's Palsy could have been prevented
The lawyers at The Donnelly Law Firm have represented countless families in birth injury and medical malpractice cases. We have a comprehensive understanding of the litigation process and know which questions the court will ask to determine how a medical professional could have prevented a brachial plexus birth injury.
For example, a doctor could have used one of the following procedures to protect your baby from harm:
- McRoberts maneuver
- Woods/Rubens maneuver
- Suprapubic pressure
- Episiotomy
- Zavanelli maneuver
Over $140,000,000 Won For Our CLients
$14 Million
Dennis M. Donnelly, represented a family in this wrongful birth action.
$2.25 Million
Senior Partner, Dennis Donnelly, won a 2.25 million dollar verdict on behalf of a year old boy born with Erb's Palsy. The plaintiff's mother was a 35 year old woman who had two prior miscarriages and became pregnant late in 1997 by in vitro fertilization.
$4.5 Million
Dennis Donnelly settled a case involving complex issues of medical malpractice during a forceps delivery.